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Hawkeye Approach

The "Hawkeye" Approach

  • I am Kind
  • I am Safe
  • I am Cooperative
  • I am Respectful
  • I am Responsible

The “Hawkeye” Approach is designed to help create a climate of cooperation, academic excellence, respect and safety at Worthington Hills.

The “Hawkeye” Approach is based on seven guiding principles. We believe these principles will help create an optimal learning environment for the students at Worthington Hills Elementary School.

The guiding principles are:

  • Clear expectations for student behavior.
  • Clear and consistent strategies for teaching appropriate behavior.
  • Clear and consistent strategies for encouraging appropriate behavior.
  • Clear and consistent consequences that discourage inappropriate behavior.
  • A support system and individual behavioral programs for students with unique or exceptional needs.
  • Clearly designed methods for evaluating and revising The “Hawkeye”Approach.
  • Clear plans and strategies for communicating the characteristics and philosophy of behavior plan to students and parents.